So You Decided That You Want to Be a Ninja?
I gotta tell you, GREAT DECISION!
Look, I know, when I was a child, the ONLY thing I wanted to be when I grew up was a Ninja!
This was in the late eighties and early nineties when Sean Claude Van Damn was a Hollywood Mega Star, Ninja Turtles was one TV and, 3 Ninjas was on everyone’s Blockbuster rental history.
It didn’t matter what you looked like or how far you could run, it just mattered that you were a ninja, having fun with your friends and, being who you wanted to be in the moment.
Now in my 30’s I still watch those awesome martial arts movies except, I don’t have to pretend to be a ninja. I can do ninja stuff every day, now. IN REAL LIFE!
This time it’s more about living a healthy, active life and, doing something that makes me happy and stress-free.
Let’s be realistic here.
You don’t have the energy and you probably don’t move like you did when you were nine. (I know I don’t) But, that doesn’t mean that you can’t do martial arts and start working towards a more healthy lifestyle and a better diet.
This may surprise you but, there are effective martial arts that really embrace your body type; whatever that may be!
Here’s a couple of questions for you.
Should I Get Into Shape Before Trying Martial Arts?
If you’ve found yourself asking this question, it isn’t a silly one. I’ve been asked this way more times than one. 🙂
The answer to this is pretty simple. No.
Now, depending on the quality of the academy you’re attending, there SHOULD be a beginner’s class.
Inside these types of classes are where you’ll learn the necessary movements to make your martial art efficient. You’ll also be able to build up a fitness level that will allow you to continue training, improve your quality of life and move up in skill level.
For real. If you think I’m kidding about this, check out how one of our students lost 100lbs inside 1 year!
So the question, “Should I get into shape before I start martial arts?”
Needs to turn to, “What martial art best suits me and my needs?”
There are a couple of martial arts that really burn calories. Inside our academy, we actually track this number with students that have burned over 1400 calories in a 2 hour class!
Not only is this an amazing burn but, you can do this as a 37 year old man. (cause that’s who did it.)
You don’t have to be in shape to start martial arts. You just have to start, stay consistent and trust the process and your goals will be realized in no time.
Vagabond Martial Arts is dedicated to progress like this with all of our beginner’s and students and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is truly for ANY body type.

Team photo after a seminar with Bruno “Tank” Mendes of Soul Fighters